Zoom Thank you - Gift card

Thank you - Gift card


Show your appreciation to a special someone.

Our Gold & Behold gift cards are perfect for any occasions in life.

How it works
⋒ Choose from a value of $10 to $200
⋒ Add a personalised note with the format below
⋒ The gift card will be sent to the recipient's email at 10pm 1 day before the selected delivery date
⋒ If no delivery date is selected, the gift card will be sent to the recipient on the day of a successful checkout at 10pm

Personalised note (Please fill in according to this format under 'Notes' during checkout)

To: Recipient's email
Message (150 characters max):
From: Your email

Terms & conditions
⋒ This gift card can only be used once and there are no refunds for the balance amount
⋒ Cannot be used with other promotions
⋒ Valid for 90 days from the selected delivery date

Feel free to reach out to staygold@goldandbehold.co if you have any questions :)


Thank you - Gift card
