Inspirational Resources for the Soul

Hello all! It's been awhile, hope you guys are well!

After several intense bouts of burnout for the past few months, I would like to share some resources that have helped me through the rut!

I have discovered Notion recently and it's a lifesaver when it comes to planning and organising my 3 ventures: Gold & Behold, MellowMuse and WOMIT Collective.

It gives me great visibility on the tasks at hand and I can easily tag them by type, priority, status etc. Watch a short introduction of Notion here:

Let me know if you would like me to share how I organise my Notion! :)

For you

I have also created a Quotes Notion page where you can access quotes regarding #hustle #life #mentalwellness #growth and more in one click. I'll be updating this page as often as I can (since I come across good and relatable quotes almost every day)

I hope that this would be a companion for you when you are feeling upset, uninspired and tired. Let this be your safe space to be inspired and pick yourself up again 💕
Till the next time!

Stay gold, stay awesome!